
Bipartisan Congressional panel calls for huge defense buildup. Chair lauded by the CIA; co-chair is a neocon.

Defense News reports: ‘Not prepared’: Congressional panel calls for huge defense buildup. The chair of the panel (Jane Harman) has ties to defense establishment and was lauded by the CIA for distinguished service. The co-chair (Eric Eldeman) is a neocon. The 2022 NDAA authorized the creation of the panel, as reported in 2023:Congress announces commission…

Dennis Kucinich: the US engineered a coup to drag Ukraine into a conflict by Donald A. Smith, PhD In this April 2, 2024 interview with Judge Napolitano, Dennis Kucinich says: “What’s happened is that the U.S. State Department and U.S. Government basically engineered a coup in Ukraine and used that to drag Ukraine into a…

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Letter from Bellingham Travail: Stopping the War Machine

In Bellingham on Jan 28, 2024 the Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed a resolution written by me, Donald A. Smith, PhD, along with Sharon Abreu and Linda Boyd, calling for a less militarized foreign policy and for a “just transition” to a peace economy. Resolution on the Urgency of Transitioning to an Economy Based…

U.S. Senators Visualized based on their votes

By Donald A. Smith Using data from VoteView and software that I wrote, I made visualizations of U.S. senators based on their 2023 rollcall votes. The visualizations use Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and tsne to project their voting data to 3d. Senators who voted the same on more bills/resolutions appear close together. Votes of Senators…


Another good article by Jeffrey Sachs

In Jeffrey Sach’s NATO Expansion & Ukraine’s Destruction, he quotes NATO Secretary0-General  Jens Stoltenberg saying, “So, he [Putin] went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite.” When Prof. John Mearsheimer, I, and others have said the same, we’ve been attacked as Putin apologists. The same…

Bellevue City Council Climate Forum (2023-09-19)

Tuesday night I attended the Bellevue City Council Climate Forum at Eastshore Unitarian Universalist Church in Factoria. The candidates that appeared were, from the left, John Stokes (incumbent), Paul Clark (Stokes’ challenger) , Mo Malakoutian, Janice Zahn (incumbent), Betsi Hummer (Zahn’s challenger), and Dave Hamilton. Malakoutian’s challenger, Alex Tsimerman, did not appear. ( You can…

Did the U.S. orchestrate the 2014 Maidan uprising? Or did it just back it and exploit it?

There are competing views about this. Modern Diplomacy’s US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev says, “Incontrovertible proofs will be presented here not only that it was a coup, but that this coup was organized by the U.S. Government:  “that the U.S. Government initiated the ‘new Cold War’.”   I don’t know the nature of that…